Saturday, June 15, 2019

Literature Search Worksheet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Literature Search Worksheet - Research Paper ExampleOn the contrast, Quantitative research is the collection analysis and adaptation of data involving larger, more representative respondent samples and numerical calculation of results. This particular pick up is qualitative since the data collected is simply analyzed and interpreted without involving calculations.A research study design refers to the ways in which subjects or constituents of study are organized and observed (Lobe & Vehovar, 2009). The study design adopted here is an empirical study design. This type of study design allows freedom of data collection and is the most appropriate to use in the cases where the researcher is dealing with data that is not quantitatively measurable (Lobe & Vehovar, 2009). This study allowed freedom for data collection and included data that may not be measurable quantitatively. In addition thither was no intervention group that was used in the above research article, which would help in i dentifying the effects of intervention as is the case with quantitative research. The study design was thus indentified by examining theThe ProQuest database from where the journal was selected provided an option that makes it possible to limit search to peer-review sources by selecting a checkbox on the search screen. In addition, the database had descriptions of the journal that understandably indicated that it is peer-reviewed.Yes. According to Sackett (1996), evidence based practice is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in decisions making concerning the care of exclusive patients the study involves investigating the role of -Cell Autoimmunity in childhood type II diabetes, which would lead to better treatment of children with the condition. The study heavily cites other researches that have been through regarding the same issue, and this might be explained

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