Friday, December 27, 2019

Public Open Space Landscaping For Indigenous Flora And...

Public open space landscaping, in the new estates in Drouin, does not contribute to the habitat for indigenous flora and arboreal animal species? DEFINITION OF TOPIC Due to the new development of estates (namely Crystal Waters, Canterbury, and Jackson’s view) in Drouin as a town undergoing urbanisation, I conducted my research question as ‘Does public open space landscaping, in the new estates in Drouin, contribute to the habitat for indigenous flora and arboreal animal species?’ Established from my concern about the natural environment amongst changing land use across Victoria, my hypothesis is that public open space landscaping in Drouin does not contribute to the habitat for indigenous flora and arboreal animal species in the area.†¦show more content†¦As well as mountains, the Baw Baw region also consists of natural features such as The Thomson and Aberfeldy River valleys which cover a substantial part of the Baw Baw National Park. The Thompson River offers some of the finest white water rafting in Victoria, and in winter, the environment sustains snowy fronts. Spectacular waterfalls also act as appealing tourist attractions throughout the Shire such as Ainsleys and Moonlight Creek Falls. The three other Southern Wards consist of more densely urbanized human environments involving developing urban-boundary towns such as Warragul and Drouin. Early settlement in Drouin was quite delayed due to the dense forest cover; small amounts of agricultural activities such as grazing fields were taken up, but little developed in this town until 1867 when a coaching station was established. The forest cover was steadily cleared and agricultural activities gradually developed into light industrial centres. Developers of Drouin are presently eagerly developing many new residential estates to support the increasing population of the town. Many other rural towns exist amongst the Baw Baw Shire such as Yarragon, Traralgon and Walhalla; a historic gold mine town which has preserved its natural and historic features. PRIMARY SOURCES AND TECHNIQUES USED TO COLLECT DATA The methods which were used to collect Primary data sources involved fieldwork such as: ïÆ'Ëœ

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Declaration Of The Patriot Act - 2055 Words

When we approach people in any country around the globe and ask questions as to who are terrorists and the word terrorism which brought to the Unite States the birth of Patriot Act as well as the controversy surrounding the Act as a whole, we will see that the patriot act went too far because certain provisions seem to violate the constitutional rights of the citizens of this country. First, I see terrorism as war and a terrorist in my view is a soldier going to war for certain purpose and reason to destroy. If captured, they should be treated as prisoners of war. What comes to the mind of terrorists is always war such as in military actions because they believe they have a cause to fight for. They are not countries declaring war†¦show more content†¦In his writing, he stated that war is intrinsically vast, communal (or political) and violent. It is an actual, widespread and deliberate armed conflict between political communities, motivated by a sharp disagreement over governance† (p.135) Without terrorist, there will be no patriot act. Terrorists commit aggression; they have their own armed forces. They have the capability of sending their soldiers to violate other citizen’s rights by kidnapping, causing atrocities and harm to innocent people. This is why they deserve to be punished and made to suffer any consequences for their actions. They commit aggressions and only conduct business by violence, especially against innocent civilians and creating fear to all nations. Thus, the immediate federal response to the World Trade Center attack by some terrorist group was the creation of the Patriot Act which contains the following contents with some to strengthen domestic security and ethical issues. According to the U.S Department of â€Å"It stated that the creations of the act, pertains to the country’s protection of civil liberties, which authorizes federal money to accomplish much of the act s provisions, it allows the Secret Service to cr eate a nationwide electronic crime task force. The president can confiscate the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Melonoma Essay Example For Students

Melonoma Essay Set deep in our brains is a tiny gland called the pineal gland. This tiny gland is in charge of the endocrine system, the glandular system that controls most of our bodily functions. The pineal runs our body clocks, and it produces melatonin; the hormone that may prove to be the biggest medical discovery since penicilin, and the key to controlling the aging process. The pineal gland controls such functions as our sleeping cycle and the change of body temperature that we undergo with the changing seasons. It tells animals when to migrate north and south, and when to grow or shed heavy coats. By slowing down and speeding up their metabolisms, it tells them when to fatten up for hibernation, and when to wake up from hibernation in the spring. Melatonin is the hormone that controls not only when we feel sleepy, but the rate at which we age, when we go through puberty, and how well our immune systems fend off diseases. Being set in the middle of our brains, the pineal gland has no direct access to sunlight. Our eyes send it a message of how much sunlight they see, and when its dark. The sunlight prohibits the gland from producing melatonin, so at night, when theres no sun, the sleep-inducing hormone is released into our bodies. Because of the pineal gland and melatonin, humans have known to sleep at night and wake during the day since long before the age of alarm clocks. Humans dont produce melatonin right from birth; it is transfered in utero to babies through the placenta. For their first few days of life, babies still have to receive it from breast milk. Our levels of melatonin peak during childhood, then decrease at the beginning of puberty, so that other hormones can take control of our bodies. As we get older, the amount of melatonin we produce continues to decrease until at age 60, we produce about half as much as we did at age 20. With the rapid decrease from about age 50 on, the effects of old age quickly become more visible and physically evident. With wha t scientists have recently discovered, we may very soon be able to harness melatonin to slow down aging, fend off disease, and keep us feeling generally healthy and energetic; not to mention the things melatonin can do for us right now like curing insomnia and regulating sleeping patterns, eliminating the effects of jet-lag, and relieving every day stress. Melatonin is known as the regulator of regulators, because it sends out the messages that control the amounts of all the different hormones in our bodies. It is a balance among our different hormones that keeps us healthy, and as we age, our different hormone levels can become unbalanced, which results in aging. Everything our bodies do requires energy, from running a mile to sitting still and just breathing. Every cell in our bodies requires at least some energy to function. Within all of our cells are microscopic structures called mitochondria. Mitochondria are considered the powerhouses of the cells, because they convert energy into ATP; the substance which fuels most every cell in our body. In order to create ATP, we need to take in and burn oxygen. As we age, our mitochondria age, and as our mitochondria age, their production of ATP slows, which results in the buildup of excess oxygen. This buildup results in the oxidization, (or rusting) of the cells and their different components. This is why when were older, we dont have as much energy as when were young. Heres where melatonin steps in. Melatonin metabolizes the thyroid hormone (which supplies energy to the mitochondria, among other cell organelles) so that it carries more energy. When the mitochondria receive more power from the thyroid hormone, they can produce more ATP, giving more energy to every cell in our bodies, and they use up all of the oxygen that we take in, so that our cells dont begin to oxidize. There are mitochondria in the cells of the pineal gland, which give it the power to produce and secrete melatonin. Pineal function declines as its cells mitochondria provide it with less ATP, and instead start .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 , .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 .postImageUrl , .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 , .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4:hover , .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4:visited , .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4:active { border:0!important; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4:active , .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4 .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8af4da7e51426af5ec60a5d08fe5cdf4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Fishing Essay

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Lost Colony At Roanoke The First Effort Made By The English To Est

The Lost Colony at Roanoke The first effort made by the English to establish a colony in America, occurred in the late sixteenth century, at Roanoke Island. Starting in 1584 efforts were made to explore the east coast of North America as far south as Spanish claims. It was in 1587 that a permanent colony was finally created. However great this accomplish was for the colonists and England, it proved to be one of the greatest American mysteries when the colony was discovered abandoned in 1590. In this presentation of the lost Roanoke Colony, I plan to describe how the colony was settled, those persons involved in the settlement and the discovery of it's abandonment. Roanoke Island is an island just off the coast of present day North Carolina. The Albemarle Sound, Croatan Sound, Roanoke Sound, and the Pamlico Sound are four bodies of water that surround the island. The Atlantic Ocean is less than ten miles away from Roanoke on it's eastern coast, but direct contact with the ocean is impeded by a strip of land called Bodie Island, which is part of the Outer Banks. The western coast of the Island is also less than ten miles from the mainland of North Carolina. The history of the settlement can be found in England's increasing interest in laying claim to a portion of the New World during the late 1570's. This interest was even more apparent, when in the same decade, Queen Elizabeth encouraged exploration and settlement of new lands by issuing charters for this task, and it was during this time period when Roanoke Island was discovered by the English. However it was not until March 25, 1584 when the significant history of Roanoke was made with the re-issuing of the charter to Sir Walter Raleigh. It was the responsibility of Raleigh to make the necessary provisions to complete the journeys to the New World and accomplish the goals of the charter. This meant hiring ship captains and their crews, recruiting possible colonists, purchasing food and other supplies , and finding those who would invest capital in the missions. Raleigh however does not actively participate in the journeys to Roanoke Island; he was just the organizer and major financier. There are a total of four expeditions, under the Raleigh charter, which comprise the story of the lost colony. The first and second expeditions take place from 1584 to 1586. The accomplishments of these missions include producing contact and establishing friendly relations with a native tribe called the Croatoan, the fortification of the island, and searching for an appropriate place for a permanent settlement. It is during the second expedition that there was an attempt to leave a small force of men behind, while the ships returned to England for supplies. They left a few more than one hundred men, which were need to finish fortifying the island, to continue the search for a permanent settlement sight, and to keep an English hold on the island. The effort failed due to the lack of supplies, weather conditions, and the strained relations with the Croatoans and other more violent native tribes. The situation becomes extremely desperate for the men when they resort to their dogs as a source of food. Luckily for the colonists, a ship came to their rescue and takes all but fifteen men back to England. The mystery of Roanoke begins with the third expedition of 1587. John White was named governor of the colonist, which would now include women children. The permanence of this mission was believed to be insured by the involvement of entire families. To further insure success, the colonist themselves were the investors. The third expedition of almost one hundred twenty people (men, women and children) ready for colonization, arrived on the island in the spring of 1587. Their intent was to locate the fifteen men who were left behind in the second expedition, and then find an new settlement sight. It was discovered that the fortifications built by the colonists the year before had been abandoned and there were no clues as to the fate of the fifteen men. The next step was to find a new sight for settlement. It had been decided The Lost Colony At Roanoke The First Effort Made By The English To Est The Lost Colony at Roanoke The first effort made by the English to establish a colony in America, occurred in the late sixteenth century, at Roanoke Island. Starting in 1584 efforts were made to explore the east coast of North America as far south as Spanish claims. It was in 1587 that a permanent colony was finally created. However great this accomplish was for the colonists and England, it proved to be one of the greatest American mysteries when the colony was discovered abandoned in 1590. In this presentation of the lost Roanoke Colony, I plan to describe how the colony was settled, those persons involved in the settlement and the discovery of it's abandonment. Roanoke Island is an island just off the coast of present day North Carolina. The Albemarle Sound, Croatan Sound, Roanoke Sound, and the Pamlico Sound are four bodies of water that surround the island. The Atlantic Ocean is less than ten miles away from Roanoke on it's eastern coast, but direct contact with the ocean is impeded by a strip of land called Bodie Island, which is part of the Outer Banks. The western coast of the Island is also less than ten miles from the mainland of North Carolina. The history of the settlement can be found in England's increasing interest in laying claim to a portion of the New World during the late 1570's. This interest was even more apparent, when in the same decade, Queen Elizabeth encouraged exploration and settlement of new lands by issuing charters for this task, and it was during this time period when Roanoke Island was discovered by the English. However it was not until March 25, 1584 when the significant history of Roanoke was made with the re-issuing of the charter to Sir Walter Raleigh. It was the responsibility of Raleigh to make the necessary provisions to complete the journeys to the New World and accomplish the goals of the charter. This meant hiring ship captains and their crews, recruiting possible colonists, purchasing food and other supplies , and finding those who would invest capital in the missions. Raleigh however does not actively participate in the journeys to Roanoke Island; he was just the organizer and major financier. There are a total of four expeditions, under the Raleigh charter, which comprise the story of the lost colony. The first and second expeditions take place from 1584 to 1586. The accomplishments of these missions include producing contact and establishing friendly relations with a native tribe called the Croatoan, the fortification of the island, and searching for an appropriate place for a permanent settlement. It is during the second expedition that there was an attempt to leave a small force of men behind, while the ships returned to England for supplies. They left a few more than one hundred men, which were need to finish fortifying the island, to continue the search for a permanent settlement sight, and to keep an English hold on the island. The effort failed due to the lack of supplies, weather conditions, and the strained relations with the Croatoans and other more violent native tribes. The situation becomes extremely desperate for the men when they resort to their dogs as a source of food. Luckily for the colonists, a ship came to their rescue and takes all but fifteen men back to England. The mystery of Roanoke begins with the third expedition of 1587. John White was named governor of the colonist, which would now include women children. The permanence of this mission was believed to be insured by the involvement of entire families. To further insure success, the colonist themselves were the investors. The third expedition of almost one hundred twenty people (men, women and children) ready for colonization, arrived on the island in the spring of 1587. Their intent was to locate the fifteen men who were left behind in the second expedition, and then find an new settlement sight. It was discovered that the fortifications built by the colonists the year before had been abandoned and there were no clues as to the fate of the fifteen men. The next step was to find a new sight for settlement. It had been decided